Child Support
Helping Nevada families create fair and just Child Support Orders
Las Vegas Child Support Lawyer
The life of a child can be impacted not only emotionally but financially when parents divorce or separate. With divided households, a parent may be less able to meet the financial needs of the child. This issue is resolved through the payment of child support. In a Nevada divorce or where unmarried parents part ways, the children involved must be financially supported to ensure their safety, health, and well-being. Nevada, like other states, mandates child support and provides guidelines for its calculations.
How long does Child Support last?
Child support is generally required to be paid until the child reaches the age of 18 and graduates from high school or to age 19 if the child does not graduate from high school.
Which parent receives Child Support payments?
- Custodial Parent – Usually, if a child lives with a parent more than 60 percent of the time, that parent is entitled to child support. This parent is considered the primary or “custodial parent.” The other parent is referred to as the “non-custodial parent.”
- Higher Income Earner with Joint Custody – When parents have joint custody of a child, the parent who has a higher income generally must pay the lower-earning parent this support. Parents sharing physical custody of the child for at least 40 percent of the time are considered to be in joint custody.
- Multiple Children – When parents share custody of two or more children and each parent has physical custody of at least one of the children, the support required by the court will depend on the number of children needing support.
Child support is a common issue in divorce and paternity actions. It is also critical to the child’s best interests, which is the highest priority of the family courts. At Gary Huntsman Law, we can help you in seeking, modifying, or enforcing child support payments. Our goal is to ensure that you secure a payment that is fair and just for both you and your child.
How is Child Support Calculated in Nevada?

Nevada’s child support guidelines rely on a complicated formula that takes into consideration:
- Parental gross incomes
- Child care expenses
- Medical expenses
- The specific needs of the child
Under the most recent changes to the state’s child support laws, the percentage a parent will pay will depend on the number of children being supported. For example, a parent supporting only one child will generally pay 16 percent of his or her gross monthly income for incomes of up to $6,000 per month. Monthly incomes higher than this will result in increases.
Nevada Child Support arrangements for special circumstances
Courts generally presume that the amount calculated according to the state guidelines is correct. However, courts may adjust the payment amount based on the specific circumstances of the case. Where a child has special or extraordinary needs or where a parent’s financial circumstances justify it, the court will consider these facts in making adjustments.
Child support is governed by the Department of Health and Human Services Division of Welfare and Supportive Services.
Experienced Child Support Representation
Our firm can help you in all Las Vegas child support matters:
- Establishing child support payments
- Seeking an adjustment of a calculated support payment under state guidelines
- Modifying an existing support payment
- Enforcing payment where a parent has become delinquent
Getting child support right at the outset is important as it can be challenging to try to have it changed later.
Putting a skilled family lawyer on your side can ensure that you get the full amount of what your child deserves as the receiving parent. As the supporting payment, our attorney can assist in seeking a payment that is fair and reasonable and not more than you are legally required to pay.
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